So I walked down to creek re set my peeler crab traps, only to find time and tide really don't wait for no man, the traps almost all having been covered in silt. Not a great loss.
On the way back I bumped into a fox. Luckily it didn't see me, so I crouched down and waited, hoping it would come right up to me. When it was about 30 yards away, it froze and suspiciously stared at me, before turning round and jogging off. Suspicion that has enabled them to thrive whilst being relentlessly persecuted.
The next day, the strong onshore wind slightly changed direction. I thought this a good opportunity for a quick fish at the local beach ( after all work was completed, obviously ). It certainly was still breezy, but not unfishable and sunny to boot. Four decent sized skate obliged and I kept two. It's a long walk back and I didn't want to be bringing them all back home. God, I hate skining them.
Another sunny day yesterday and I had my last training run before the Colchester Half Marathon on Sunday. This comprised of a couple of miles half hearted jog and the rest walking. It was too nice a day to rush along the river. As someone once said, "don't forget to smell the flowers along the way".
I can't say I'm enthusiastic about the race though.
Just as I finished the run one of my mates came by. He said he'd like to come fishing with me soon ( he's a non angler ). Fine, any time, I said. He then made a huge faux pas. "Are there any sea bass around". I immediately struck him hard with a straight left on the nose, followed up with a vicious right uppercut. Actually I didn't, but that's what I feel like doing when some calls a bass a "sea bass".
It's one of my my many irrational loathings of inconsequential things. Some others include......
Cafes serving coffee with milk, not cream ( bit of a first world problem I agree ).
PLC speak of any description e.g "our value added selling proposition". Yes kids, I've really heard this.
"The winningest team/captain, etc". What ? A disgraceful abomination of the English language.
Clarkson. I loathe this man beyond reason.
And to show I'm not a totally miserable old git, five simple things I really love.....
Boiling my eggs perfectly, so they're runny but without that snotty bit.
Saturday newspaper, read in a cafe (drinking a coffee...with cream obviously)
Green and Blacks plain dark chocolate after every meal
Preparing to watch MOTD, with a glass of red, when Man Utd have lost
The sun. Always the sun.
TT and BB, a few of you're trivial loves/loathings please ?