Monday 8 January 2024

Laying Low

Happy new year one and all.

I've been laying low with this hideous lurgee that's going about. It's knocked the stuffing out of me and I've been mooching about like an old bloke. Which I'm not, obviously.

I lay in bed coughing and spluttering the other day. Farting about on the phone, watching fishing videos and I somehow end up buying two more spinning rods which I definitely dont need and some lures. Which also I don't need.

Got a short term boost with the retail therapy from the comfort of my bed anyway.

Felt better yesterday as I watched Liverpool beat Arsenal after Agent Hevertz had sabotaged the Gunners plans. What a bargain, £65 million for a goal shy Chelsea reject. 

River is bank high. That's an under statement, its the highest I've seen it ever. 

It'll be a few days before it's worth fishing.

2024 plans taking shape, lots to do, places to see and fish to catch.

I suffer from cold hands in the winter, especially when I'm flake and mash fishing.

I've started wearing latex gloves which keep your hands dry but don't impede hook tieing and fiddly tasks. It's a total game changer, dry hands and no wind chill equals warm hands.

I don't care if it looks like I'm about to perform a bankside ( should that be backside ?) rectal examination. Try it. The gloves, not the rectal examination. 

The next post may contain fish if the weather gods are kind. Toodle pip.


  1. Good to get being ill out the way, as it's pants out there at the minute !!

  2. Gotta see them shit protectors next time I'm down. Done far too many rectal exams for my job.
