Saturday 18 May 2024

On Golden Ponds

Back on the crucians and ( mostly ) tench. 

Arriving at the lake I immediately noticed thrashing in the weed fringed margins. Spawning. The crucians were spawning. Ah well, tench it is then.

As it was, I had a cracking day, catching well over twenty tench, mostly 2-3lb, on the float in the margins. Droppering in maggots to avoid the rudd, the fish fed heavily almost all day.

I found a park up in the evening, next to a quiet lilly fringed lake, disturbed only by the unmistakable call of the cuckoo and various songbirds. Lovely.

A few days later I joined Wak Baines for a session on a little Norfolk lake. 

Fishing was a bit tough but we managed enough tench and crucians to keep us interested. 

A good social was had, the usual bollocks filled chat ensured. Topics discussed included getting old, kids, Mark E Smith, holidays, why the term "annual leave" should never be used unless you're in the army, and how village shops are used for cleaning dirty money ( its a pet theory of Wak's, I don't really buy it ).

Wak narrowly avoided being asked to leave the water, by using a ghastly plastic, mass produced self cocking float. It's lucky the Crabtree Society were not present as he'd have been lynched. Actually, being fans of the old days they'd probably have birched him. And well deserved it would have been too.

He redeemed himself at the end of the day by presenting me with two bottles of red , a gift for a big birthday next week. Good 'ol boi.

A most splendid couple of days.

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