Tuesday 18 June 2024

Deep In The Fens

"As a fisherman, you belong to no one"

Dexter Petley.

I was a grumpy sod over the weekend.  We were due to have weekend trip in the camper to a site right in the river, but the forecast was shite so I cancelled.

Sunday I saw that the early part of the week was going to be dry and sunny. Hmm.

What to do ? Sack off work for Monday and Tuesday that's what.

I was the only one at the campsite, total quiet apart from the birds calling, perfect. Kettle on, get the tackle sorted and I'm raring to go.

The river was slightly coloured and flowing harder than normal.  Hardly surprising after all the rain. 

The fishing was quite hard, nowhere near the amount of surface activity that you'd expect, but there were fish to be had with a bit of effort.

I kept mobile and eventually got two cracking rudd over two pounds, with the best at 2lb 6oz, plus a clonking great bream.

They were hard earned fish, lots of walking, stingers, mozzies, flies and worst of all a big hurd of bullocks, which spent most of the evening staring at me and edging as close as they dared. 

The next morning I had a lay in. This is unheard of when I'm in the camper and there's fishing to be had, but Bully was joining me and I decided on a lazy start to the day. Sitting in the sun, radio on, drinking coffee, a very pleasant way to start the day.

We tried a different stretch and had some decent fish. I had an absolutely pristine rudd just over 2lb, several other nice ones and Bully had bream, some nice rudd and lost a tench at the net.

We leant a few things and although they weren't feeding hard, we still had some cracking fish, so a decent start to the season. 

I'm coming back for a longer trip next week, all being well.


  1. Them ghastly plastic loaded floats work a treat Boi.

    1. They do but I'd prefer an even heavier one than the biggest at 3.5 gm. Well, they have have heavier one with silly insert and I couldn't see them with my eyes.

    2. I use the 4grm ones with a dumpy tip

  2. Great stuff, stunning fish fingers crossed for some bigger ones !!
