Saturday, 1 February 2025

A Place I Know

Name that band ?

I only know of this place because of The Chubmeister General's generosity.  It's one of his back end of the season dace hotshots, where the fish gather on the gravels before spawning. 

It's a small stream and you have to hit it right, a bit of colour, flow, ideally with the river falling. Yesterday it was spot on and I knew I'd catch well.

First run down at the junction swim and the float buried. A good dace.

More, dace, chublets, some small perch and lots of lovely gudgeon followed until it was time to move downstream. 

Beautiful eh ?

There's really no point in me giving you a blow by blow account, as every swim gave up clonking dace. I even changed to a lighter float with several droppers, a bit more refined than normal my bulk and a single tell tale shot.

I know every old school angler will say it, but it's true nevertheless, trotting on a winter river is unbeatable. With a fixed spool though, life is too short to wind in with a centre pin. I can hear the gasps of shock from the purists already. 

I fished about half a dozen swims and while some were better than others, all produced.

To add to the pleasure, there was no wind which made float control easy. No other anglers either.

This place is so good visits need to be rationed to one or two a season. Treats wear off if they're too frequent. And of course, it's not "my" venue.

I'll wait until March until I return. 


  1. Cranberries. You're right of course, treats are treats. And winter trotting is da dogz.

    1. Wrong ! Well, not the track I was thinking of anyway.

  2. You don't wind in unless you have fish on btw.
