Monday 5 August 2024

When You're On A Roll....

Sometimes nothing goes right and sometimes everything you do turns to gold.

The amazing roach fishing continued with big fish every session. I knew how silly it was getting when I slipped back one fish just over 2lb without a photo.

Today I had another brace of twos, with the biggest a massive 2lb 7oz.

There were also some stonking ide mixed in with several more upper fours.

I'll not bang on ( too much ) about the roach, suffice to say I had ten over two pounds over several days before we moved on to another river.

It was a struggle to catch an asp. They weren't showing as the normally do but one evening I jumped on the bike to fish another section I fancied. As soon as I arrived there was a big explosion of water hard against the rocks, as an unfortunate tiddler met its maker.

I cast the Salmo Thill in the direction of the attack and was immediately hit by a ferocious take. It was on for about ten seconds before the hook pulled.  Bastard !

It seemed my chance had gone, but out of nowhere the lure was whacked again. A short but furious fight and the first asp of the trip was in the net, a cracking fish of 4-5lb.

I also caught two small zander that took the asp lure when being retrieved at high speed in the top foot of water. I've never ever seen that before.

I went over to tell my Dutch friend of this apparently unusual occurrence and amazingly he'd had two on exactly the same method and lure. He hadn't caught them like this before either.

The only rules is that there are know the rest.

On to a different river today.


  1. That's just mad roach fishing, bet there are some huge ones to be caught if that's the stamp.

    1. I'm not sure that's normal, a Dutch mate said its exceptional fishing.
      Just right place, right time I think.
      We can certainly agree it's mad !

  2. Bet Nudd would cack himself with ide like them in a match....
