Friday 2 August 2024

First Stop the River Waal

The sun shone as we sailed from Harwich and soon enough we were back on Dutch soil.

It being August, we just about managed to squeeze in to a riverside campsite and before I'd even tackled up S had a small zander first cast.

She followed it up with another one from a ridiculously shallow area that I would have passed by. Pre conceived ideas and all that.

The next morning I was up and about early, leading and plumbing to try and find a decent spot.

I settled on a shallow area adjacent to some weed and immediately started catching bream. Big ones of six or seven pounds. After half dozen they started to get annoying, preventing other fish getting on to the bait.

A fat pig of an ide weighing 5lb followed, after the bream disappeared. That's more like it.

Next cast and a 1lb 15oz roach. What an absolute corker. No amount of re weighing would get it to the magical two pound mark. Did I care ? Not at all.

Another lovely roach of 1lb 9oz finished the short session.

"A great start" as a friend said. It certainly was, but there was much, much better to come.

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