I finished work by midday ( more of this later ), grabbed a late breakfast and headed for the river. It was at least a foot up but was suprisingly clear, visibilty being about eighteen inches. Bit clear for roach, spot on for chub.
I started trotting for anything that might like a maggot. The answer to that, after trying three swims, was nothing.
I started to think about trying a different stretch but despite just having the float rod and a crappy, crumbling half loaf of bread, I decided to try for chub.
First swim nothing, next one a missed bite and the third resulted in a nice fish around 2.5lb.
The swim in the photo, despite it's Crabtreeesque ( ridiculous attempt at a suitable adjective ) perfection has not produced a single chub for me, ever. But I keep trying, because I, in my know-it-all wisdom do not accept that old Dummkopf ( I'm multi linguel ) does not reside here.
First cast drop back bite. Missed. Second cast same. Missed again. Third cast and I got one. Well pleased.
The river really did look spot on and so it proved, bites in most swims, too many missed, I'm a bit rusty, but I ended up with seven fish in a couple of hours, so a good session to start the chubbing campaign.
For a change I didn't bait up with mash, just a very big lump of bread flake on the hook and that was it.
A very nice few hours.