Sunday 3 July 2022

A Greedy Fecker and a Big Mullet

The downs first. Bazza had it confirmed by the EA that our mullet mark had been netted by a local greedy bastard who had been setting his nets against the sluice.

The EA had had a big barney with him about it. The sluice is where all the fish have to pass to get up river. I'm sure he had bass and sea trout along with the mullet. Wanker.

This morning was the first time in a while that I'd seen a few fish so we grabbed the rods and got down there to get on the first of the flood tide. I hooked and lost a fish in the first five minutes and things were looking good.

Ga Ga then had a smashing take from a stonking thin lip that fought long and hard, taking line again and again when it saw the net. When she finally got it in it went 4lb 8oz on the scales. An absolute corker.

I really thought we were going to have plenty of fish but after that they disappeared. Bazza stayed on and fished all day and ground out three fish to just under 3lb but we left after an hour for food and drink. I get bored quickly sometimes.

After a nice curry I decided to continue the quest for a Stour ruffe in the evening. It was stunning, the sun was out, it was beautifully quiet and I was catching fish. The wrong fish. Perch. Loads of them. Fun on the Noddy rod though.

Trouble is, as far as i can make out a ruffe spot is a perch spot. Deeper water, lock cuttings, shade, you know the type of stuff. I was convinced I'd have one hard against the lock, but the perch had other ideas. It then went dead so I continued and as I went to wind in, yes, a smegging ruffe ! At long last.

That's species no 26 from the Stour ( and estuary ) this year. Well chuffed. Ridiculously so, but whatever floats your boat eh ?

Having a few days after a big Fenland bream this week so wish me luck. What do you mean you thought I hated bream ?