Thursday 24 August 2023

On The (Dutch) Road

Camper packed for a trip to Holland. Nowhere specific but in the general direction of the river Ijssel. 

The river was dropping,  but up three metres from last summer ( I kid you not ). It was going through like train.

First few sessions I had a few fish, decent roach, big silver bream and ide, but not what I expected. Oh, and everywhere I tried seemed to be a snag pit. I hate losing gear. Its the inconvenience more than cost.

Something wasn't quite right, or thats how it seemed.

We moved twenty miles downstream, which resulted in a decent catch , with lots of ide to 3lb and other bits and pieces. A quick go on the canal resulted in the most lethargic bream I've ever caught. Decent size but I quickly gave up after catching more than enough.

Another move and one evening I fished a lovely bit of steady water, resulting in a small barbel and more big silver bream. But I wasn't really getting stuck in to them.

I put out a second rod ( a totally unsuitable spinning rod with braid ) and cast it downstream in to some very deep , but very fast water. Ten minutes later I just avoided losing the rod as something unseen tore off downstream bending my Kamasan B953 straight out.

On with a thicker gauge hook but stupidly I kept the same .21 diameter, approx 6lb line. Idiot.

You know what happens now.

Once again rod is whacked over. Something big is hooked on a light spinning rod and braid in twenty feet of fast flowing ultra snaggy, rock filled water. I had it on for ten or fifteen minutes, unable to do anything with it but hang on. It eventually snapped me off over a rock.

Lost due to incompetence.

No matter. I'd come back with more suitable gear next time.

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