Monday 14 March 2022


Does anyone go lobbing any more ? Or is it down the tackle shop or mail order ? The motto for most people these days in all things seems to be, in the words of the dead Kennedys, Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death.

I hate buying worms. Get your own. It's part of fishing, find a compost heap for reds and brandlings or get down the local cricket pitch or park for lobs.

Thing is, conditions have to be spot on. Must be mild, wet ( or at least damp ) and not too windy. And don't go out too early, its got to be properly dark.

Yesterday was spot on. I was creeping around the cricket pitch, slowly and carefully with a not-too-bright headlamp.

I reckon you get about one in four you see. They're mega sensitive to light and vibration. There were loads, I had half a bucket full when I heard a dog walker stop and stare, no doubt he heard my cries of " ooh yer bastard!", etc, as the feckers alluded me.

Anyway, I got enough for several sessions on the perch and aching back asides, it was good fun.

1 comment:

  1. You've got to show em you're the boss... 1 in 4 is about right though.
