Wednesday 11 May 2022

Ups and Downs

A mixed bag of a day indeed. I moved from the Montgomery canal to the Llangollen and found a great park up by the canal with an excellent cafe.

Had the full breakfast, eggs, bacon, sausages, hash browns, fried tomatoes, baked beans and toast. Top quality too and they gave 5 quid off because I've paid a tenner to stay overnight. Bargain !

Cafe only two minutes from the canal, so after pigging out I had a walk along the towpath to check out a few areas.

Couldn't believe how clear it is even with all the boat traffic. It flows like a river and most of it seems to have a gravel bottom. Never seen a canal like it.

The steep, shaded banks were full of wild garlic, an incredible sight ( and smell ).

I couldn't resist a quick go in the afternoon so set up in the busy turning bay. Not really my thing, being a grumpy git, people walking canoeing, cycling, boats everywhere manned by incredibly incompetent holiday makers revving and crashing  into the banks.

You'd think this would put the fish off, but no, I caught big dace, roach to over a pound and some decent hybrids. Oh and a perch and.....yeeees, a ruffe. Brilliant.

The only downer was I sat on my pole and split another section. That's two sections broken in two months. Absolutely pointless me buying an expensive pole. Clumsy bastard.

Pole calamity aside, a very enjoyable day.